sprachdesign provides services for international and multi-national corporations, privately held companies, self-employed businesspersons, as well as international educational and research institutions.

The following corporations and institutions are among our clients:
- ADAC Berlin-Brandenburg
- AS Media Impact
- AutoVision | VW
- blu media network
- California State University CSULB
- Das Goetheanum Journal
- Department of Schools, Science and Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Deutsche Bank (financial institution)
- Deutsche Verkehrsbank (financial institution)
- ElectronicPartner
- Fiege Logistics
- fischerAppelt PR & Communications Berlin & Hamburg
- FPS Fritze Paul Seelig, Law Office
- German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
- German Medical Association
- Germanischer Lloyd
- Internetmarketing Bielefeld
- Land Brandenburg Lotto
- Mate Magazine Germany
- mCruise
- Microsoft®
- Porsche
- Champagne Pieper-Heidsieck
- Procter & Gamble
- quick-mix Gruppe
- Sievert AG & Co. KG
- Sparkasse Ulm (financial institution)
- traffiQ | Frankfurt/Main Local Transportation
- TUI LT Special Tours
- Weidmüller Interface
- Vattenfall Europe Business Services
- VR Leasing (financial institution)